Mike Epps portrayed the character "Day-Day Jones" in the movie "Next Friday." In this comedic sequel to "Friday," Epps brought his signature humor and wit to the role, adding depth and hilarity to the storyline. As Day-Day, Epps played the bumbling yet lovable cousin of Ice Cube's character, Craig Jones. His comedic timing and memorable one-liners made Day-Day a fan favorite in the film series, contributing to the movie's overall success and enduring popularity within the comedy genre.
14” x 11”
8Mil PrimeArt Poster Paper
Prints Unframed
- Prints are rolled & shipped in a Tube
- Orders ship in 5-7 business days. Please allow 1-2 weeks for delivery
- worldwide shipping available (please allow up to 2-3 weeks for delivery outside USA)
Additional Information
Size |
8.5” x 11” |
Day-Day by Atiks